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Learning for Sustainable Development

The Commonwealth of Learning empowers people through learning that leads to economic growth, social inclusion and environmental conservation.

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Sir Shridath Ramphal 1928-2024

From the President and CEO of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Professor…

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Regional workshop underway in Pacific on design of micro-credentials for TVET

Micro-credentials are increasingly becoming the choice for curriculum delivery, especially at the…

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Botswana Open University is pioneering e-learning for open schooling

In a significant and forward-thinking move to enhance education in Botswana, the…

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Implementing blended learning in West Bengal

Educators in West Bengal, India, have augmented their digital and blended pedagogy…

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With funding from Global Affairs Canada @GAC_Corporate, #COL4D initiated the three-year Empowering Women and Girls (EWG) @EWG_23 project in 2023 with the aim of improving the realisation of human rights for women and girls from disadvantaged communities in selected areas of five Commonwealth member states, including #Mozambique.

COL’s EWG project works with partners in Mozambique to expand access to skills training, quality education and lifelong learning for all. COL is currently engaged primarily in the areas of higher education, open schooling, gender equality and women’s empowerment through skills development for livelihoods in Mozambique.

COL has partnered with Aid for the Development of People for People 
@adppmozambique to train women and girls in marginalised communities in skills and facilitate opportunities for livelihoods. Last year, COL conducted a workshop in Mozambique on using open educational resources and developing online resources for staff. Learners in Mozambique also benefit from programmes offered by COL’s regional centre – the Southern African Development Community Centre for Distance Education.

@samoachogm2024 #CHOGM2024 #Commonwealth #Resilience #GenderEquality #Empowerment #SkillsDevelopment #SkillsTraining #HumanRights #HigherEducation #OpenSchooling #WomensEmpowerment #GirlsEmpowerment #LifelongLearning #OER

With funding from Global Affairs Canada @GAC_Corporate, #COL4D initiated the three-year Empowering Women and Girls (EWG) @EWG_23 project in 2023 with the aim of improving the realisation of human rights for women and girls from disadvantaged communities in selected areas of five Commonwealth member states, including #Mozambique.

COL’s EWG project works with partners in Mozambique to expand access to skills training, quality education and lifelong learning for all. COL is currently engaged primarily in the areas of higher education, open schooling, gender equality and women’s empowerment through skills development for livelihoods in Mozambique.

COL has partnered with Aid for the Development of People for People
@adppmozambique to train women and girls in marginalised communities in skills and facilitate opportunities for livelihoods. Last year, COL conducted a workshop in Mozambique on using open educational resources and developing online resources for staff. Learners in Mozambique also benefit from programmes offered by COL’s regional centre – the Southern African Development Community Centre for Distance Education.

@samoachogm2024 #CHOGM2024 #Commonwealth #Resilience #GenderEquality #Empowerment #SkillsDevelopment #SkillsTraining #HumanRights #HigherEducation #OpenSchooling #WomensEmpowerment #GirlsEmpowerment #LifelongLearning #OER
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From the President and CEO of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) #COL4D, Professor Peter Scott @peter_scott.

COL pays tribute to Sir Shridath Ramphal, GCMG, AC, ONZ, OE, OCC, KC, former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, on his passing.

A visionary leader whose commitment to bridging the North-South divide in social and economic development has left an indelible mark on the world. Recognising the transformative power of education, Sir Shridath championed distance learning as a means to promote inclusion across the Commonwealth. His foresight led to the establishment of COL, which he later described as a jewel in the crown of the Commonwealth in his reflections 25 years after its founding. His belief in technology-enabled learning as a catalyst for change has been validated, with millions now engaged in various forms of distance education. The widespread embrace of open and online learning across nations stands as a testament to his vision of greater inclusion. Even in his later years, Sir Shridath remained steadfast in his dedication to COLs mission, underscoring its exceptional role in his message to the organization during CHOGM 2022.

On behalf of the Commonwealth of Learning, we extend our sincerest sympathies to Sir Shridaths family during this difficult time.

From the President and CEO of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) #COL4D, Professor Peter Scott @peter_scott.

COL pays tribute to Sir Shridath Ramphal, GCMG, AC, ONZ, OE, OCC, KC, former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, on his passing.

A visionary leader whose commitment to bridging the North-South divide in social and economic development has left an indelible mark on the world. Recognising the transformative power of education, Sir Shridath championed distance learning as a means to promote inclusion across the Commonwealth. His foresight led to the establishment of COL, which he later described as "a jewel in the crown of the Commonwealth" in his reflections 25 years after its founding. His belief in technology-enabled learning as a catalyst for change has been validated, with millions now engaged in various forms of distance education. The widespread embrace of open and online learning across nations stands as a testament to his vision of greater inclusion. Even in his later years, Sir Shridath remained steadfast in his dedication to COL's mission, underscoring its exceptional role in his message to the organization during CHOGM 2022.

On behalf of the Commonwealth of Learning, we extend our sincerest sympathies to Sir Shridath's family during this difficult time.
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Regional workshop underway in Pacific on design of micro-credentials for TVET.

Micro-credentials are increasingly becoming the choice for curriculum delivery, especially at the post-secondary level of education. The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) #COL4D, in collaboration with the Pacific Centre for Flexible and Open Learning for Development (PACFOLD), is hosting a regional workshop on the design of micro-credentials aligned to the Pacific TVET Online Toolkit. The workshop is being held at the University of South Pacific (USP) @UniSouthPacific in Suva, Fiji from 2-5 September 2024.  This activity is part of a project on open, distance and flexible learning in the Pacific, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand @MFATNZ.

During her opening remarks, Dr Rajni Kaushal Chand, Director: PACFOLD, noted that participants in attendance from Commonwealth small island countries in the region demonstrated a strong grasp of the framework for micro-credentials in their TVET programmes, showing both deep knowledge and the ability to apply it effectively. She also mentioned that it was gratifying to observe their thorough understanding of the TVET Practitioner Toolkit, its value and the potential impact of micro-credentials.

Mr Vilitati Togavou, Manager e-Learning at the Ministry of Education, Heritage and the Arts, Fiji and COL’s Focal Point, noted that utilising the resources in the TVET online toolkit will improve practitioners’ skills and knowledge, providing a more comprehensive and interactive learning experience. Ms Ikatonga Hingano, Quality Assurance Officer at the Pacific Community (SPC)’s Educational Quality and Assessment Programme, said that “SPC’s initiative on accreditation of short courses fills an important gap in the enhancement of the quality of education and training in the region. The resources provided on the Toolkit will support TVET providers in delivery as well as developing their application for accreditation.”

Mr Robert Okinda, COL Adviser: Skills, acknowledged the challenges in the TVET sector and emphasised the use of open learning approaches for unstructured continuous professional development of TVET practitioners. He underscored the importance of the regional and national qualification bodies in recognising and accrediting credentials earned through these learning methods.

By the end of the four-day workshop, participants are expected to build on their existing knowledge of micro-credentials and develop a framework and set of micro-credentials, along with strategies for piloting, administering, recognising, accrediting, and applying these for the professional development of TVET practitioners, using the Online Toolkit’s micro-learning resources.

#Resilience #CHOGM2024 #MicroCredentials #PacificRegion #SkillsDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #OpenLearning #DistanceLearning #FlexibleLearning
#PACFOLD #Education #Workshop

Regional workshop underway in Pacific on design of micro-credentials for TVET.

Micro-credentials are increasingly becoming the choice for curriculum delivery, especially at the post-secondary level of education. The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) #COL4D, in collaboration with the Pacific Centre for Flexible and Open Learning for Development (PACFOLD), is hosting a regional workshop on the design of micro-credentials aligned to the Pacific TVET Online Toolkit. The workshop is being held at the University of South Pacific (USP) @UniSouthPacific in Suva, Fiji from 2-5 September 2024. This activity is part of a project on open, distance and flexible learning in the Pacific, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand @MFATNZ.

During her opening remarks, Dr Rajni Kaushal Chand, Director: PACFOLD, noted that participants in attendance from Commonwealth small island countries in the region demonstrated a strong grasp of the framework for micro-credentials in their TVET programmes, showing both deep knowledge and the ability to apply it effectively. She also mentioned that it was gratifying to observe their thorough understanding of the TVET Practitioner Toolkit, its value and the potential impact of micro-credentials.

Mr Vilitati Togavou, Manager e-Learning at the Ministry of Education, Heritage and the Arts, Fiji and COL’s Focal Point, noted that utilising the resources in the TVET online toolkit will improve practitioners’ skills and knowledge, providing a more comprehensive and interactive learning experience. Ms Ikatonga Hingano, Quality Assurance Officer at the Pacific Community (SPC)’s Educational Quality and Assessment Programme, said that “SPC’s initiative on accreditation of short courses fills an important gap in the enhancement of the quality of education and training in the region. The resources provided on the Toolkit will support TVET providers in delivery as well as developing their application for accreditation.”

Mr Robert Okinda, COL Adviser: Skills, acknowledged the challenges in the TVET sector and emphasised the use of open learning approaches for unstructured continuous professional development of TVET practitioners. He underscored the importance of the regional and national qualification bodies in recognising and accrediting credentials earned through these learning methods.

By the end of the four-day workshop, participants are expected to build on their existing knowledge of micro-credentials and develop a framework and set of micro-credentials, along with strategies for piloting, administering, recognising, accrediting, and applying these for the professional development of TVET practitioners, using the Online Toolkit’s micro-learning resources.

#Resilience #CHOGM2024 #MicroCredentials #PacificRegion #SkillsDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #OpenLearning #DistanceLearning #FlexibleLearning
#PACFOLD #Education #Workshop
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