In connection with International Women's Day, SPARC interviewed Ms. Frances Ferreira, Senior Adviser for Women & Girls at the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), on the progress and challenges of women’s empowerment in Pakistan.
During her 10-day study tour, she witnessed inspiring local initiatives that have transformed the lives of 30,000+ women and girls through vocational training and education. She emphasized the urgent need to address child marriage through awareness, legal advocacy, and support systems while underscoring the importance of female role models and mentorship programs.
Technology also plays a vital role in empowerment, and Ms. Ferreira highlighted the need for access, relevance, and readiness over mere digital expansion.
📖 Read the full interview here:
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Zanzibar signs MOU with COL to boost youth skills and employment.
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) @COL4D and the Zanzibar Economic Empowerment Agency (ZEEA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at an event recently held at the Zanzibar Presidential Delivery Bureau offices. The MOU paves the way for implementing the Pathways to Prosperity Project in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The project will run for two years, from July 2025 to June 2027, with the primary goal of establishing a resilient youth empowerment system in Zanzibar.
By signing this MOU, targeted activities will be launched to create pathways towards employment and prosperity, directly addressing youth unemployment, skills gaps, and labour shortages. These initiatives will particularly focus on the digital, blue, green, and orange economies. Open Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) approaches will be integrated into both formal and informal skills training programmes to strengthen TVET systems, build workforce resilience, and align closely with national development priorities and labour market demands.
Professor Peter Scott @peter_scott, President and CEO of COL, was among the distinguished attendees who joined the event virtually. In his remarks, Professor Scott said that the event coincides with Commonwealth Day, which aspires to the shared values, cultures, unity, diversity, and histories of the Commonwealth’s 56 member states, including the United Republic of Tanzania. He added that ‘this day is significant as it fosters international cooperation and collaboration among our member states, promoting sustainable development’.
The event demonstrated the collective effort of various stakeholders in Zanzibar’s development and educational sectors. The Zanzibar government, represented by Mr Khamis Said, Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, played a significant role and highlighted Zanzibar’s education transformation and the focus on skill development from pre-primary to tertiary education. Professor Mohammed Hafidh, CEO of the Zanzibar Presidential Delivery Bureau (ZPDB), Juma Burhan, Executive Director of ZEEA, and Dr Ibrahim Kabole, Social Service Team Leader at ZPDB, were also in attendance. Representatives from academic institutions, including Vice Chancellors and the labour sector, were also present.
Mr Robert Okinda, Adviser for Skills at COL, also attended the event virtually and commented, “The MOU will be the anchor for implementing projects to create pathways to employment prosperity using Open vocational and technical training initiatives in Zanzibar, Tanzania”. He further emphasised that ZEEA will lead in developing and implementing these initiatives across its affiliated institutions, working collaboratively with social solidarity groups and various ministries, departments and agencies.
The gathering also included representatives from the Zanzibar Vocational Training Authority, Heads of Institutions affiliated with ZEEA, and ZEEA staff, underscoring the event’s significance in Zanzibar’s educational and vocational training landscape.
#COL4D #Zanzibar #YouthEmpowerment #SkillsDevelopment #EmploymentOpportunities #EducationForAll #CapacityBuilding #VocationalTraining #WorkforceDevelopment #SustainableGrowth #CommonwealthDay #GlobalEducation
Image caption:
Juma Burhan, Executive Director of ZEEA (seated), signing the MOU between ZEEA and COL. Professor Mohammed Hafidh, CEO of the Zanzibar Presidential Delivery Bureau (standing on the left) and Mr Khamis Said, Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (standing to the right).
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