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The Commonwealth of Learning empowers people through learning that leads to economic growth, social inclusion and environmental conservation.

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From early motherhood to empowerment: Rebuilding life for women in Mozambique

The story of Ivete Augusto, 25, from Manhiça District, Mozambique, reflects common…

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COL partnerships in Tanzania supporting farmers through microfinancing

Rising demand for microfinance services among smallholder farmers in Tanzania led to…

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Resilience in TVET in Nigeria through standards for ODL

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) promotes the use of open and distance…

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Educators in Antigua and Barbuda explore OER in STEM education

As part of a commitment to advancing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics…

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In #Malawi, gender inequality in education is a serious issue limiting career development opportunities for women who are responsible for taking care of the house and cooking. To advocate for change, the Centre for Research and Development Initiative (CERADI), with support and funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC), and through #COL4D, embarked on the Empowering Women and Girls (EWG) project,  – a three-year initiative being implemented in the Traditional Authorities of Simphasi and Kapondo in Mchinji and Kalembo in Malawi’s Balaka township. Through the collective efforts of all stakeholders, one of the project’s aims is to empower women and girls through vocational skills.

Sophie Tibula, a 19-year-old from Mzati Village in the Traditional Authority of Simphasi, recently enrolled in welding and fabrication. She thanked CERADI and COL for giving her the opportunity to become a welder – her dream since leaving secondary school. She says her plan is to start her own workshop in her village to prove that no job is only meant for men. “It is in my best interest to contribute to the development of my village through training that I will be offering to my fellow youths.”

#GenderEquality #CareerDevelopment #GirlsEducation #VocationalSkills #YouthEmpowerment #CommunityDevelopment

In #Malawi, gender inequality in education is a serious issue limiting career development opportunities for women who are responsible for taking care of the house and cooking. To advocate for change, the Centre for Research and Development Initiative (CERADI), with support and funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC), and through #COL4D, embarked on the Empowering Women and Girls (EWG) project, – a three-year initiative being implemented in the Traditional Authorities of Simphasi and Kapondo in Mchinji and Kalembo in Malawi’s Balaka township. Through the collective efforts of all stakeholders, one of the project’s aims is to empower women and girls through vocational skills.

Sophie Tibula, a 19-year-old from Mzati Village in the Traditional Authority of Simphasi, recently enrolled in welding and fabrication. She thanked CERADI and COL for giving her the opportunity to become a welder – her dream since leaving secondary school. She says her plan is to start her own workshop in her village to prove that no job is only meant for men. “It is in my best interest to contribute to the development of my village through training that I will be offering to my fellow youths.”

#GenderEquality #CareerDevelopment #GirlsEducation #VocationalSkills #YouthEmpowerment #CommunityDevelopment
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From early motherhood to empowerment: Rebuilding life for women in Mozambique.

The story of Ivete Augusto, 25, from Manhiça District, #Mozambique, reflects common challenges women face in her community.

Ivete Augusto is a 25-year-old resident of the Manhiça district in Mozambique’s Maputo province. Today, she lives with her widowed mother and eight-year-old daughter. They sustain themselves through subsistence farming, which provides limited income and financial security.

Ivetes life took a turn when she became pregnant at 17 due to promises of marriage and lobola (dowry) payments from her partner. This forced her to abandon her education, as her husband insisted that women prioritise taking care of their children and household duties over schooling.

After facing violence and infidelity in her marriage, Ivete returned home to help her mother with farming. She attended a community sensitisation event conducted by the Commonwealth of Learning’s (COL) #COL4D Empowering Women and Girls (EWG) @EWG_23 partner, Aid for the Development of People for People (ADPP) #ADPP, in her District. She joined the project and has since attended sexual and reproductive health classes, where this newfound knowledge has motivated her to rebuild her life by joining a support group for women, combatting the stigma surrounding early pregnancy.

She is also participating in sessions on preventing gender-based violence, and the #16DaysOfActivism campaign has further equipped Ivete with information about human and womens rights. She now has the knowledge of what constitutes gender stereotypes, bias and discrimination and how she can challenge gender norms and enjoy equality in her relationships. Ivete has since enrolled in the project’s three-month tailoring course to improve her familys financial situation.

Enrolling in this course signifies her determination to improve her familys financial status and create a brighter future. Ivete says she is grateful to ADPP and COL for the opportunity to transform her life and hopes that more girls can benefit from similar opportunities.

With funding from Global Affairs Canada @GAC_Corporate, COL initiated a three-year EWG project in 2023 with the aim of improving the realisation of human rights for women and girls from disadvantaged communities in selected areas of five #Commonwealth member states, including Mozambique.

#GirlsEmpowerment #ImprovingLives #SkillsTraining

From early motherhood to empowerment: Rebuilding life for women in Mozambique.

The story of Ivete Augusto, 25, from Manhiça District, #Mozambique, reflects common challenges women face in her community.

Ivete Augusto is a 25-year-old resident of the Manhiça district in Mozambique’s Maputo province. Today, she lives with her widowed mother and eight-year-old daughter. They sustain themselves through subsistence farming, which provides limited income and financial security.

Ivete's life took a turn when she became pregnant at 17 due to promises of marriage and lobola (dowry) payments from her partner. This forced her to abandon her education, as her husband insisted that women prioritise taking care of their children and household duties over schooling.

After facing violence and infidelity in her marriage, Ivete returned home to help her mother with farming. She attended a community sensitisation event conducted by the Commonwealth of Learning’s (COL) #COL4D Empowering Women and Girls (EWG) @EWG_23 partner, Aid for the Development of People for People (ADPP) #ADPP, in her District. She joined the project and has since attended sexual and reproductive health classes, where this newfound knowledge has motivated her to rebuild her life by joining a support group for women, combatting the stigma surrounding early pregnancy.

She is also participating in sessions on preventing gender-based violence, and the #16DaysOfActivism campaign has further equipped Ivete with information about human and women's rights. She now has the knowledge of what constitutes gender stereotypes, bias and discrimination and how she can challenge gender norms and enjoy equality in her relationships. Ivete has since enrolled in the project’s three-month tailoring course to improve her family's financial situation.

Enrolling in this course signifies her determination to improve her family's financial status and create a brighter future. Ivete says she is grateful to ADPP and COL for the opportunity to transform her life and hopes that more girls can benefit from similar opportunities.

With funding from Global Affairs Canada @GAC_Corporate, COL initiated a three-year EWG project in 2023 with the aim of improving the realisation of human rights for women and girls from disadvantaged communities in selected areas of five #Commonwealth member states, including Mozambique.

#GirlsEmpowerment #ImprovingLives #SkillsTraining
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Partnering for success: Skills and leadership training in Vanuatu.

Rachel graduated from Epauto School in Port Vila, #Vanuatu, in 2022. After leaving school, Rachel faced challenges securing employment despite applying to various government and private sector positions. Rachel participated in various training sessions, including Leadership and Life Skills. Currently, #COL4D is partnering with the NGO V-Lab to provide skills and leadership training in Vanuatu.

Rachel felt that the training provided valuable insights into topics like peer pressure and time management, which are often not discussed at home. Following the training provided by V-Lab and another COL partner, Youth Challenge, facilitated her internship placement at the Vanuatu National Archive (VNA), which she joined last year. VNA is the country’s information custodian, archiving Vanuatu’s history for future generations. 

The training provided Rachel with valuable skills in speaking confidently, which has greatly improved my interactions with researchers in my current role. Rachel says,  Without this training, I don’t think I would be where I am today.”

#LeadershipSkills #VocationalTraining #SkillsTraining #SkillsForWork

Partnering for success: Skills and leadership training in Vanuatu.

Rachel graduated from Epauto School in Port Vila, #Vanuatu, in 2022. After leaving school, Rachel faced challenges securing employment despite applying to various government and private sector positions. Rachel participated in various training sessions, including Leadership and Life Skills. Currently, #COL4D is partnering with the NGO V-Lab to provide skills and leadership training in Vanuatu.

Rachel felt that the training provided valuable insights into topics like peer pressure and time management, which are often not discussed at home. Following the training provided by V-Lab and another COL partner, Youth Challenge, facilitated her internship placement at the Vanuatu National Archive (VNA), which she joined last year. VNA is the country’s information custodian, archiving Vanuatu’s history for future generations.

The training provided Rachel with valuable skills in speaking confidently, which has greatly improved my interactions with researchers in my current role. Rachel says, " Without this training, I don’t think I would be where I am today.”

#LeadershipSkills #VocationalTraining #SkillsTraining #SkillsForWork
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